Die Schweizer Detektive
We bring facts and create clarity

Ich Viola Fix, bin seit 26 Jahren als Privatdetektivin tätig. Ich arbeitete 2003 bis 2012 regelmässig für die Polizei sowie Unternehmen. Meine Tätigkeiten umfassen häufig die Abklärungen von Blaumachen sowie die Unterstützung von Privatpersonen in Fällen von Ehebruch und Fremdgehen. Unsere Beweise Fotos / Videos sind rechtskräftig.
Ich arbeite mit einem Team von qualifizierten Detektiven, die schweizweit tätig sind und höchst diskret arbeiten. Auf Wunsch übernehmen wir auch Aufträge im Ausland. Während der gesamten Observation betreuen wir unsere Auftraggeber persönlich und halten sie kontinuierlich auf dem Laufenden - entweder per Telefon oder per e - Mail.
Eine individuelle Betreuung während des gesamten Prozesses ist uns besonders wichtig und zeichnet und aus. Vertrauen Sie auf unsere Expertise - wir sorgen dafür, dass Sie jederzeit gut informiert sind und Ihre Ziele erreichen.
Observations, general research, video surveillance, address and residence research, adultery, theft and fraud, inheritance and neighborhood dispute, (Cyber-) bullying. Further information
Monitoring employees and competitors, video surveillance, fraud research, economic and industrial investigations.
Social fraud, mock illness, unauthorized sideline activities,
Vandalism and pollution monitoring .
Abuse of social welfare, asset / income clarifications, investigations into false declarations or accounting fraud, residence clarifications and environmental investigations. Further information

The swiss private detective agency Zurich
We, the Swiss detectives & partners, support companies, private individuals, lawyers and authorities so that they can make the right decisions. We have 20 years of experience in the detective industry. Our professional detectives have worked for the Swiss police and municipalities for years. If you want to be certain, trust our extremely discreet and discreet, professional way of working.
Our clients include law firms and companies from trade and industry, as well as private individuals and authorities, whom we have successfully supported for years.
All the results of our observations are recorded in a written record by our detective agency. Our evidence such as photos, sound recordings and videos are attached and can be used in court if necessary.
Abyss of a relationship
Theft in the warehouse

A desperate man called us and asked for immediate action. Since he suspected that his girlfriend is living a double life.
He said that she always had a lot of money in her wallet and was always very teasing and secretly spoke to foreign men on the phone.
The client suspected that his girlfriend was working in a brothel.
We immediately dispatched 2 detectives, the suspicion was confirmed!
The client was immediately informed by our agents, he wanted to see it with his own eyes and disguised himself as a customer. He surprised his girlfriend ringing the bell in front of the brothel.

Expensive pharmaceutical packages worth Fr.350,000 were stolen in a warehouse, each parcel worth Fr.50,000.
The client suspected that several employees were involved.
Our detective agency installed cameras in various locations and a GPS was attached to all company company cars. In addition, 2 agents of us camouflaged as employees in the warehouse to observe the employees.
Shortly afterwards, 4 employees were filmed during the package theft and the damaged company was able to file a complaint with our evidence.

Professional and discreet
Our detective agency
Schweizer Detektive & Partner
Badenerstrasse 540, 8048 Zürich
E-mail : info@schweizerdetektive.ch
Tel : 044 501 02 15 (24h available)
For a non-binding inquiry, please contact us by email or phone.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.