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Adultery - infidelity


Are you afraid your partner is cheating on you?

This is probably one of the most painful feelings. It is excruciating to be uncertain whether your partner is loyal to you.

You are looking for answers, you want certainty and we will help you.


In such a case, only an experienced private investigator can help.

Our detectives need a short chronological sequence of the last events that make you think they are being cheated, as well as the usual daily routine of the partner in order to start working.

During the investigation, we are in constant contact with our customer so that we can act quickly and effectively.


Our private detectives will shade your partner, follow them unobtrusively at every turn and provide you with the evidence you need to be able to align your future life accordingly.

In the event of a divorce in court, you have the "better cards".


Only professionals of both genders work in the field. Eg on request also as a camouflaged couple who master not only the most modern, but also conventional observation and documentation methods.

A precise and detailed investigation report is always the result of Swiss detectives & partners. In addition, our private detective office will prepare a detailed investigation report of observations for you, including clear images and video documentation.


Our services include:


  • Research of any kind

  • Observations

  • Address and residence research

  • Relationship investigations

  • Concubinate investigations

  • Custody Investigations

  • Video surveillance

  • Stalking and bullying (online and offline)

... and much more!
Case study

A desperate man called us and asked for immediate action. Since he suspected that his girlfriend is living a double life.

He said that she always had a lot of money in her wallet and was always very teasing and secretly spoke to foreign men on the phone.


The client suspected that his girlfriend was working in a brothel.

We immediately dispatched 2 detectives, the suspicion was confirmed! The client was immediately informed by our agents, he wanted to see it with his own eyes and disguised himself as a customer. He was wearing a cap and surprised his girlfriend ringing the bell in front of the brothel.

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